Contact Us
ALERTS: January 16, 2022
Dear n~motion Students & Community,
The Podcast Business News Network has been conducting a series of interviews with our own Nanette Baltz. You can find the past episodes, and stay tuned for upcoming recordings as they are published here: Click Here for Jill Nicolini interviews with Nanette on PBNN!
Stay Safe and Healthy,
N~motion Studio Staff
757 Stockbridge Dr. Fort Mill, SC 29708
ALERTS: March 10, 2021
Dear n~motion Students,
If possible, please use facilities before attending class at N~Motion Studio and bring your own water. There is limited use of bathrooms and water fountain during this time.
Check the schedule for class dates/time. https://nmotionstudiotegacay.com/test-schedule-2/
To obtain a Class Pass, go to nmotionstudiotegacay.com/class-rates/
Stay Safe and Healthy,
N~motion Studio Staff
757 Stockbridge Dr. Fort Mill, SC 29708
ALERTS: November 21, 2020
Dear n~motion Students,
We wanted to inform everybody that the Physical Studio Classes and Outdoor Classes are available again. All involved have tested negative for Covid-19. Thank you for your patience during the last two weeks while the facilities were closed to protect every person from possible exposure. See you in classes virtually, physically or outside!
Stay Safe and Healthy,
N~motion Studio Staff
757 Stockbridge Dr. Fort Mill, SC 29708
ALERTS: November 11, 2020
Dear Friends of N~motion,
Two weeks ago, you were notified that someone attending an in-studio class had tested positive for COVID-19. Another person who graciously offered a ride to a friend also tested positive. Today, we are pleased to inform you that both people are well and their health is steadily improving. We are grateful for this good news report.
We are also thankful that protocols and precautionary measures put in place to protect our students and teachers were effective. Although it is difficult to trace the origin, the two persons who tested positive believe they contracted the virus from an external source. All other persons who were in the studio or attended outside classes over the past two weeks reported "negative" test results.
The health of our community remains our top priority. As we continue to follow CDC guidelines and self-isolate as recommended, the physical studio and outdoor classes remain canceled until we receive the "all clear" negative results for everyone involved.
We extend an invitation to attend our VIRTUAL classes on Zoom. Please check the class schedule for updates:
https://www. nmotionstudiotegacay.com/test- schedule-2/
We appreciate everyone who took swift action to stop the spread of this virus. If you have any questions please reply to this email or give us a call at 803-548-4588 and we'll get back to you.
N~motion Studio Staff
757 Stockbridge Dr. Fort Mill, SC 29708
ALERTS: October 31, 2020
Dear Friends of N~motion,
We are providing an update in regards to Physical Studio and Outside classes. Today we have been notified that someone in one of these classes has tested positive for COVID-19. Those who have been in direct contact with the individual are being tested and will self-quarantine for 14 days.
Concern for the safety of our students and teachers continues to be our top priority. As a precautionary measure, n~motion Tega Cay has decided to cancel Physical Studio and Outside classes for the next 14 days as a safety precaution. We truly appreciate being notified so swift action can be taken to stop the spread of this virus. Thank you!
During the 14 day precautionary time period VIRTUAL classes are available on Zoom for your enjoyment. Please check the class schedule for updates: https://www. nmotionstudiotegacay.com/test- schedule-2/
If you have any questions you are welcome to reply to this email or give us a call at 803-548-4588 and we'll get back to you.
N~motion Studio Staff
757 Stockbridge Dr. Fort Mill, SC 29708
ALERTS: 07/24/20
Dear Friends of N~motion,
As promised, we are providing an update to the coronavirus message sent two weeks ago. The person who notified us of a possible virus exposure self-quarantined for 14 days. During this timeframe, she was tested for COVID-19 and test results were Negative. As a precautionary measure, two teachers who had been (socially distanced) in an area with the person decided to also self-quarantine for 14 days and take the COVID-19 test. Both tests were Negative. Concern for the safety of our students did not end there.
The N~motion staff requested a technician test our A/C unit to determine air circulation. It was determined we do have some outside air circulating into the studio. However, since an open window or door is recommended when several people are in a space, we will leave a door ajar and post a teacher as required outside for added security.
It is our hope that anyone (teacher or student) will abide by the CDC guidelines to prevent continued spread of the virus (to include use of masks). Strict rules will be enforced for those electing to take classes in-studio and in-nature. Communication in the studio is limited to direction from the teachers (reserve other conversation until outside). Students are asked to honor safe distancing and wear masks when entering and exiting the studio, as well as stay within the sectioned walk areas and 10-ft space allocated to each student. The limit for number of students in the studio is seven (7).
Finally, Nia-in-Nature classes resumed this week. Students are welcome to take Yoga and Functional Core Fitness classes in-studio or virtually starting Monday, July 27. Zumba will begin outside (in front of the studio) as well as virtually August 29, 7:30pm. Line dancing classes will begin anew in August (please check the schedule for start date).
All other virtual classes are available on Zoom for your enjoyment. Click this link to see the class schedule:
N~motion Studio Staff
757 Stockbridge Dr. Fort Mill, SC 29708
ALERTS: 07/13/20
Dear Friends of N~motion,
To ensure the safest conditions possible for our community, we are taking precautionary measures to protect the health of N~motion students and teachers. We have been notified of a possible exposure to the coronavirus. The person was not in close contact with others at the studio and followed all guidelines relative to virus protection.
Until testing is done and results received, we are closing the “physical” studio for two weeks and suspending Nia-in-Nature classes for one week. We have consistently followed CDC guidelines and have asked clients to do so; but we can't control all variables – particularly what goes on outside the studio purview.
We understand this is difficult news; but we ask your support as this situation is addressed. We will follow up with additional information as it becomes available.
Please continue to stay safe and healthy...see you on Zoom!
N~motion Studio Staff
757 Stockbridge Dr. Fort Mill, SC 29708
ALERTS: 07/08/20
Dear Friends,
The gradual shift back into the physical space has been slow and steady. We are hosting several classes in the physical studio- Functional Core Fitness/Pilates, Zumba®, Gentle Yoga, and Rhythm~n~Moves (Line Dancing).
We continue to have your best interest in mind as the "new now" unfolds. Virtual classes (via Zoom) as well as Nia~n~Nature will remain on the schedule. Passes are available at reduced prices for all classes.
Additional classes will be phased-in after further consideration of space, logistics, and safety. As we progress with adding classes, two-week schedule changes are subject to occur. Please be patient with us.
Check the schedule for class dates/time. https://nmotionstudiotegacay.com/test-schedule-2/
To obtain a Class Pass, go to nmotionstudiotegacay.com/class-rates/
Physical Studio Guidelines:
To register for this in Studio class with a 7 student capacity, complete the registration form to the right or at the bottom (if by phone).
In the Studio, a mask needs to be worn when entering n~motion. Masks can be removed once in your square. You do not need to wear a mask while exercising. Please bring to each class, your own mat, towel, water bottle and hand sanitizer. If possible, please use facilities before attending class at N~Motion Studio and bring your own water. There is limited use of bathrooms and water fountain during this time.
If you have problems signing up for classes, please contact either Virgie Thorn (301-821-2476) for assistance.
By entering this class, you hereby release and forever discharge n~motion Studio Tega Cay, LLC; its owners, independent contractors, members, agents, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns (the "Released Parties"), for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness or death due to COVID-19, paralysis, damages, economical or emotional loss, that you may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your use or entry onto these classes. By entering into these classes, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties of liability and waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use or entry into these premises. You agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right to bring a legal action against the Released Parties for personal injury or property damage.
If you refuse or are unable to confirm you meet the aforementioned health screening requisites and accept the waiver and release of liability, we are unable to grant you access to this outdoor activity at this time.
Your Friends at N~motion
ALERTS: 06/01/20
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce the gradual shift back into the physical space. In June, we will host our first in-studio classes - Functional Fitness/Pilates and Zumba. Additional classes will be phased-in after further consideration of space, logistics, and safety. As we progress with adding classes, two-week schedule changes are subject to occur. Please be patient with us. Check the schedule for class dates/time. https://nmotionstudiotegacay.com/test-schedule-2/
We continue to have your best interest in mind as the "new now" unfolds. Virtual classes (via Zoom) as well as Nia~n~Nature will remain as new classes are brought on board. Passes are available at reduced prices for all classes.
To obtain a Class Pass, go to nmotionstudiotegacay.com/class-rates/
In the Studio, the use of a mask is recommended but not required. Please bring to each class your own mat, towel, water bottle and hand sanitizer. Plan accordingly as no restroom facilities will be available.
WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By entering this class, you hereby release and forever discharge n~motion Studio Tega Cay, LLC; its owners, independent contractors, members, agents, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns (the "Released Parties"), for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness or death due to COVID-19, paralysis, damages, economical or emotional loss, that you may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your use or entry onto these classes. By entering into these classes, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties of liability and waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use or entry into these premises. You agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right to bring a legal action against the Released Parties for personal injury or property damage.
If you refuse or are unable to confirm you meet the aforementioned health screening requisites and accept the waiver and release of liability, we are unable to grant you access to this outdoor activity at this time.
We are humbled by the support received from our N~motion community. It has been both impressive and inspiring. As we proceed with health, wellness and connection; let's consider self, family, and community. We are all in this together.
Your Friends at N~motion
ALERTS: 05/19/20
Please take time to read the following guidelines. State and county COVID-19 guidelines will supersede the following as updates are released.
1. Please do not attend class if you or any member of your household are experiencing any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills or repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
2. Please do not attend class if you or any member of your household are currently under quarantine due to having tested positive for COVID-19 or due to having been exposed or potentially exposed to COVID-19.
3. Please do not attend class if within the past two weeks, you or any member of your household have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Had close contact with anyone confirmed to have the COVID-19 virus. Traveled internationally, domestically outside of South or North Carolina, or via a cruise.
4. Please use facilities before attending class as N~Motion Studio, LLC restrooms and water fountains are closed at this time.
5 You agree to abide by all safety and social distancing measures, including:
Avoid congregating in groups while in the classroom environment
Maintain 6 feet of distance between yourself and other persons
Wear recommended face coverings in accordance with CDC guidelines
Bring your own water, equipment, hand sanitizer and/or antibacterial wipes - do not share
Hand washing should be done prior to and after using any amenity
Clean all equipment you touch with antibacterial wipes before and after use
Guests are not allowed in the dance area
WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By entering this class, you hereby release and forever discharge n~motion Studio Tega Cay, LLC; its owners, independent contractors, members, agents, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns (the "Released Parties"), for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness or death due to COVID-19, paralysis, damages, economical or emotional loss, that you may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your use or entry onto these classes. By entering into these classes, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties of liability and waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use or entry into these premises. You agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right to bring a legal action against the Released Parties for personal injury or property damage.
If you refuse or are unable to confirm you meet the aforementioned health screening requisites and accept the waiver and release of liability, we are unable to grant you access to this outdoor activity at this time.
ALERTS: 03/16/20
Starting Monday, March 16 all scheduled classes at the N~Motion Studio will be postponed due to the Coronavirus situation and impact on our community.
Please follow the instructions to participate in any of our FREE Online classes via Zoom!
How to attend n~motion virtual classes:
1. Visit the n~motion Studio Zoom Online Class Schedule
2. Locate the online class you want to attend (note the day and time) and click on it to register. Please register at least 1 hour or more before class starts.
3. Complete the short registration form (please include a valid email address). Click on...Reserve My Spot. An email will be sent to you with a Zoom meeting link. The email is from n~motion Tega Cay, LLC.
4. On the day of the class, simply click on the Class link in the email - at least 10 minutes prior to class start time.
In the meantime, we welcome your comments and suggestions as we weather this unexpected “storm”.
Please stay safe, protect your love ones, and follow the health guidelines issued by the government.
Virtual Heart Hugs to all...
The N~Motion Staff
ALERTS: 07/24/20
Dear Friends of N~motion,
As promised, we are providing an update to the coronavirus message sent two weeks ago. The person who notified us of a possible virus exposure self-quarantined for 14 days. During this timeframe, she was tested for COVID-19 and test results were Negative. As a precautionary measure, two teachers who had been (socially distanced) in an area with the person decided to also self-quarantine for 14 days and take the COVID-19 test. Both tests were Negative. Concern for the safety of our students did not end there.
The N~motion staff requested a technician test our A/C unit to determine air circulation. It was determined we do have some outside air circulating into the studio. However, since an open window or door is recommended when several people are in a space, we will leave a door ajar and post a teacher as required outside for added security.
It is our hope that anyone (teacher or student) will abide by the CDC guidelines to prevent continued spread of the virus (to include use of masks). Strict rules will be enforced for those electing to take classes in-studio and in-nature. Communication in the studio is limited to direction from the teachers (reserve other conversation until outside). Students are asked to honor safe distancing and wear masks when entering and exiting the studio, as well as stay within the sectioned walk areas and 10-ft space allocated to each student. The limit for number of students in the studio is seven (7).
Finally, Nia-in-Nature classes resumed this week. Students are welcome to take Yoga and Functional Core Fitness classes in-studio or virtually starting Monday, July 27. Zumba will begin outside (in front of the studio) as well as virtually August 29, 7:30pm. Line dancing classes will begin anew in August (please check the schedule for start date).
All other virtual classes are available on Zoom for your enjoyment. Click this link to see the class schedule:
N~motion Studio Staff
757 Stockbridge Dr. Fort Mill, SC 29708
ALERTS: 07/13/20
Dear Friends of N~motion,
To ensure the safest conditions possible for our community, we are taking precautionary measures to protect the health of N~motion students and teachers. We have been notified of a possible exposure to the coronavirus. The person was not in close contact with others at the studio and followed all guidelines relative to virus protection.
Until testing is done and results received, we are closing the “physical” studio for two weeks and suspending Nia-in-Nature classes for one week. We have consistently followed CDC guidelines and have asked clients to do so; but we can't control all variables – particularly what goes on outside the studio purview.
We understand this is difficult news; but we ask your support as this situation is addressed. We will follow up with additional information as it becomes available.
Please continue to stay safe and healthy...see you on Zoom!
N~motion Studio Staff
757 Stockbridge Dr. Fort Mill, SC 29708
ALERTS: 07/08/20
Dear Friends,
The gradual shift back into the physical space has been slow and steady. We are hosting several classes in the physical studio- Functional Core Fitness/Pilates, Zumba®, Gentle Yoga, and Rhythm~n~Moves (Line Dancing).
We continue to have your best interest in mind as the "new now" unfolds. Virtual classes (via Zoom) as well as Nia~n~Nature will remain on the schedule. Passes are available at reduced prices for all classes.
Additional classes will be phased-in after further consideration of space, logistics, and safety. As we progress with adding classes, two-week schedule changes are subject to occur. Please be patient with us.
Check the schedule for class dates/time. https://nmotionstudiotegacay.com/test-schedule-2/
To obtain a Class Pass, go to nmotionstudiotegacay.com/class-rates/
Physical Studio Guidelines:
To register for this in Studio class with a 7 student capacity, complete the registration form to the right or at the bottom (if by phone).
In the Studio, a mask needs to be worn when entering n~motion. Masks can be removed once in your square. You do not need to wear a mask while exercising. Please bring to each class, your own mat, towel, water bottle and hand sanitizer. Plan accordingly as no restroom facilities will be available.
If you have problems signing up for classes, please contact either Sherrie Flack (980-219-8378) or Virgie Thorn (301-821-2476) for assistance.
By entering this class, you hereby release and forever discharge n~motion Studio Tega Cay, LLC; its owners, independent contractors, members, agents, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns (the "Released Parties"), for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness or death due to COVID-19, paralysis, damages, economical or emotional loss, that you may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your use or entry onto these classes. By entering into these classes, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties of liability and waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use or entry into these premises. You agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right to bring a legal action against the Released Parties for personal injury or property damage.
If you refuse or are unable to confirm you meet the aforementioned health screening requisites and accept the waiver and release of liability, we are unable to grant you access to this outdoor activity at this time.
Your Friends at N~motion
ALERTS: 06/01/20
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce the gradual shift back into the physical space. In June, we will host our first in-studio classes - Functional Fitness/Pilates and Zumba. Additional classes will be phased-in after further consideration of space, logistics, and safety. As we progress with adding classes, two-week schedule changes are subject to occur. Please be patient with us. Check the schedule for class dates/time. https://nmotionstudiotegacay.com/test-schedule-2/
We continue to have your best interest in mind as the "new now" unfolds. Virtual classes (via Zoom) as well as Nia~n~Nature will remain as new classes are brought on board. Passes are available at reduced prices for all classes.
To obtain a Class Pass, go to nmotionstudiotegacay.com/class-rates/
In the Studio, the use of a mask is recommended but not required. Please bring to each class your own mat, towel, water bottle and hand sanitizer. Plan accordingly as no restroom facilities will be available.
WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By entering this class, you hereby release and forever discharge n~motion Studio Tega Cay, LLC; its owners, independent contractors, members, agents, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns (the "Released Parties"), for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness or death due to COVID-19, paralysis, damages, economical or emotional loss, that you may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your use or entry onto these classes. By entering into these classes, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties of liability and waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use or entry into these premises. You agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right to bring a legal action against the Released Parties for personal injury or property damage.
If you refuse or are unable to confirm you meet the aforementioned health screening requisites and accept the waiver and release of liability, we are unable to grant you access to this outdoor activity at this time.
We are humbled by the support received from our N~motion community. It has been both impressive and inspiring. As we proceed with health, wellness and connection; let's consider self, family, and community. We are all in this together.
Your Friends at N~motion
ALERTS: 05/19/20
Please take time to read the following guidelines. State and county COVID-19 guidelines will supersede the following as updates are released.
1. Please do not attend class if you or any member of your household are experiencing any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills or repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
2. Please do not attend class if you or any member of your household are currently under quarantine due to having tested positive for COVID-19 or due to having been exposed or potentially exposed to COVID-19.
3. Please do not attend class if within the past two weeks, you or any member of your household have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Had close contact with anyone confirmed to have the COVID-19 virus. Traveled internationally, domestically outside of South or North Carolina, or via a cruise.
4. Please use facilities before attending class as N~Motion Studio, LLC restrooms and water fountains are closed at this time.
5 You agree to abide by all safety and social distancing measures, including:
Avoid congregating in groups while in the classroom environment
Maintain 6 feet of distance between yourself and other persons
Wear recommended face coverings in accordance with CDC guidelines
Bring your own water, equipment, hand sanitizer and/or antibacterial wipes - do not share
Hand washing should be done prior to and after using any amenity
Clean all equipment you touch with antibacterial wipes before and after use
Guests are not allowed in the dance area
WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By entering this class, you hereby release and forever discharge n~motion Studio Tega Cay, LLC; its owners, independent contractors, members, agents, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns (the "Released Parties"), for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness or death due to COVID-19, paralysis, damages, economical or emotional loss, that you may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your use or entry onto these classes. By entering into these classes, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties of liability and waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use or entry into these premises. You agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right to bring a legal action against the Released Parties for personal injury or property damage.
If you refuse or are unable to confirm you meet the aforementioned health screening requisites and accept the waiver and release of liability, we are unable to grant you access to this outdoor activity at this time.
ALERTS: 03/16/20
Starting Monday, March 16 all scheduled classes at the N~Motion Studio will be postponed due to the Coronavirus situation and impact on our community.
Please follow the instructions to participate in any of our FREE Online classes via Zoom!
How to attend n~motion virtual classes:
1. Visit the n~motion Studio Zoom Online Class Schedule
2. Locate the online class you want to attend (note the day and time) and click on it to register. Please register at least 1 hour or more before class starts.
3. Complete the short registration form (please include a valid email address). Click on...Reserve My Spot. An email will be sent to you with a Zoom meeting link. The email is from n~motion Tega Cay, LLC.
4. On the day of the class, simply click on the Class link in the email - at least 10 minutes prior to class start time.
In the meantime, we welcome your comments and suggestions as we weather this unexpected “storm”.
Please stay safe, protect your love ones, and follow the health guidelines issued by the government.
Virtual Heart Hugs to all...
The N~Motion Staff
ALERTS: 07/08/20
Dear Friends,
The gradual shift back into the physical space has been slow and steady. We are hosting several classes in the physical studio- Functional Core Fitness/Pilates, Zumba®, Gentle Yoga, and Rhythm~n~Moves (Line Dancing).
We continue to have your best interest in mind as the "new now" unfolds. Virtual classes (via Zoom) as well as Nia~n~Nature will remain on the schedule. Passes are available at reduced prices for all classes.
Additional classes will be phased-in after further consideration of space, logistics, and safety. As we progress with adding classes, two-week schedule changes are subject to occur. Please be patient with us.
Check the schedule for class dates/time. https://nmotionstudiotegacay.com/test-schedule-2/
To obtain a Class Pass, go to nmotionstudiotegacay.com/class-rates/
To register for this in Studio class with a 7 student capacity, complete the registration form to the right or at the bottom (if by phone).
In the Studio, a mask needs to be worn when entering n~motion. Masks can be removed once in your square. You do not need to wear a mask while exercising. Please bring to each class, your own mat, towel, water bottle and hand sanitizer. Plan accordingly as no restroom facilities will be available.
If you have problems signing up for classes, please contact either Sherrie Flack (980-219-8378) or Virgie Thorn (301-821-2476) for assistance.
By entering this class, you hereby release and forever discharge n~motion Studio Tega Cay, LLC; its owners, independent contractors, members, agents, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns (the "Released Parties"), for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness or death due to COVID-19, paralysis, damages, economical or emotional loss, that you may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your use or entry onto these classes. By entering into these classes, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties of liability and waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use or entry into these premises. You agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right to bring a legal action against the Released Parties for personal injury or property damage.
If you refuse or are unable to confirm you meet the aforementioned health screening requisites and accept the waiver and release of liability, we are unable to grant you access to this outdoor activity at this time.
Your Friends at N~motion
ALERTS: 06/01/20
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce the gradual shift back into the physical space. In June, we will host our first in-studio classes - Functional Fitness/Pilates and Zumba. Additional classes will be phased-in after further consideration of space, logistics, and safety. As we progress with adding classes, two-week schedule changes are subject to occur. Please be patient with us. Check the schedule for class dates/time. https://nmotionstudiotegacay.com/test-schedule-2/
We continue to have your best interest in mind as the "new now" unfolds. Virtual classes (via Zoom) as well as Nia~n~Nature will remain as new classes are brought on board. Passes are available at reduced prices for all classes.
To obtain a Class Pass, go to nmotionstudiotegacay.com/class-rates/
In the Studio, the use of a mask is recommended but not required. Please bring to each class your own mat, towel, water bottle and hand sanitizer. Plan accordingly as no restroom facilities will be available.
WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By entering this class, you hereby release and forever discharge n~motion Studio Tega Cay, LLC; its owners, independent contractors, members, agents, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns (the "Released Parties"), for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness or death due to COVID-19, paralysis, damages, economical or emotional loss, that you may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your use or entry onto these classes. By entering into these classes, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties of liability and waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use or entry into these premises. You agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right to bring a legal action against the Released Parties for personal injury or property damage.
If you refuse or are unable to confirm you meet the aforementioned health screening requisites and accept the waiver and release of liability, we are unable to grant you access to this outdoor activity at this time.
We are humbled by the support received from our N~motion community. It has been both impressive and inspiring. As we proceed with health, wellness and connection; let's consider self, family, and community. We are all in this together.
Your Friends at N~motion
ALERTS: 05/19/20
Please take time to read the following guidelines. State and county COVID-19 guidelines will supersede the following as updates are released.
1. Please do not attend class if you or any member of your household are experiencing any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills or repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
2. Please do not attend class if you or any member of your household are currently under quarantine due to having tested positive for COVID-19 or due to having been exposed or potentially exposed to COVID-19.
3. Please do not attend class if within the past two weeks, you or any member of your household have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Had close contact with anyone confirmed to have the COVID-19 virus. Traveled internationally, domestically outside of South or North Carolina, or via a cruise.
4. Please use facilities before attending class as N~Motion Studio, LLC restrooms and water fountains are closed at this time.
5 You agree to abide by all safety and social distancing measures, including:
Avoid congregating in groups while in the classroom environment
Maintain 6 feet of distance between yourself and other persons
Wear recommended face coverings in accordance with CDC guidelines
Bring your own water, equipment, hand sanitizer and/or antibacterial wipes - do not share
Hand washing should be done prior to and after using any amenity
Clean all equipment you touch with antibacterial wipes before and after use
Guests are not allowed in the dance area
WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By entering this class, you hereby release and forever discharge n~motion Studio Tega Cay, LLC; its owners, independent contractors, members, agents, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns (the "Released Parties"), for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness or death due to COVID-19, paralysis, damages, economical or emotional loss, that you may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your use or entry onto these classes. By entering into these classes, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties of liability and waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use or entry into these premises. You agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right to bring a legal action against the Released Parties for personal injury or property damage.
If you refuse or are unable to confirm you meet the aforementioned health screening requisites and accept the waiver and release of liability, we are unable to grant you access to this outdoor activity at this time.
ALERTS: 03/16/20
Starting Monday, March 16 all scheduled classes at the N~Motion Studio will be postponed due to the Coronavirus situation and impact on our community.
Please follow the instructions to participate in any of our FREE Online classes via Zoom!
How to attend n~motion virtual classes:
1. Visit the n~motion Studio Zoom Online Class Schedule
2. Locate the online class you want to attend (note the day and time) and click on it to register. Please register at least 1 hour or more before class starts.
3. Complete the short registration form (please include a valid email address). Click on...Reserve My Spot. An email will be sent to you with a Zoom meeting link. The email is from n~motion Tega Cay, LLC.
4. On the day of the class, simply click on the Class link in the email - at least 10 minutes prior to class start time.
In the meantime, we welcome your comments and suggestions as we weather this unexpected “storm”.
Please stay safe, protect your love ones, and follow the health guidelines issued by the government.
Virtual Heart Hugs to all...
The N~Motion Staff
ALERTS: 07/08/20
Dear Friends,
The gradual shift back into the physical space has been slow and steady. We are hosting several classes in the physical studio- Functional Core Fitness/Pilates, Zumba®, Gentle Yoga, and Rhythm~n~Moves (Line Dancing).
We continue to have your best interest in mind as the "new now" unfolds. Virtual classes (via Zoom) as well as Nia~n~Nature will remain on the schedule. Passes are available at reduced prices for all classes.
Additional classes will be phased-in after further consideration of space, logistics, and safety. As we progress with adding classes, two-week schedule changes are subject to occur. Please be patient with us.
Check the schedule for class dates/time. https://nmotionstudiotegacay.com/test-schedule-2/
To obtain a Class Pass, go to nmotionstudiotegacay.com/class-rates/
To register for this in Studio class with a 7 student capacity, complete the registration form to the right or at the bottom (if by phone).
In the Studio, a mask needs to be worn when entering n~motion. Masks can be removed once in your square. You do not need to wear a mask while exercising. Please bring to each class, your own mat, towel, water bottle and hand sanitizer. Plan accordingly as no restroom facilities will be available.
If you have problems signing up for classes, please contact either Sherrie Flack (980-219-8378) or Virgie Thorn (301-821-2476) for assistance.WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By entering this class, you hereby release and forever discharge n~motion Studio Tega Cay, LLC; its owners, independent contractors, members, agents, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns (the "Released Parties"), for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness or death due to COVID-19, paralysis, damages, economical or emotional loss, that you may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your use or entry onto these classes. By entering into these classes, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties of liability and waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use or entry into these premises. You agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right to bring a legal action against the Released Parties for personal injury or property damage.
If you refuse or are unable to confirm you meet the aforementioned health screening requisites and accept the waiver and release of liability, we are unable to grant you access to this outdoor activity at this time.
Your Friends at N~motion
ALERTS: 06/01/20
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce the gradual shift back into the physical space. In June, we will host our first in-studio classes - Functional Fitness/Pilates and Zumba. Additional classes will be phased-in after further consideration of space, logistics, and safety. As we progress with adding classes, two-week schedule changes are subject to occur. Please be patient with us. Check the schedule for class dates/time. https://nmotionstudiotegacay.com/test-schedule-2/
We continue to have your best interest in mind as the "new now" unfolds. Virtual classes (via Zoom) as well as Nia~n~Nature will remain as new classes are brought on board. Passes are available at reduced prices for all classes.
To obtain a Class Pass, go to nmotionstudiotegacay.com/class-rates/
In the Studio, the use of a mask is recommended but not required. Please bring to each class your own mat, towel, water bottle and hand sanitizer. Plan accordingly as no restroom facilities will be available.
WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By entering this class, you hereby release and forever discharge n~motion Studio Tega Cay, LLC; its owners, independent contractors, members, agents, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns (the "Released Parties"), for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness or death due to COVID-19, paralysis, damages, economical or emotional loss, that you may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your use or entry onto these classes. By entering into these classes, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties of liability and waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use or entry into these premises. You agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right to bring a legal action against the Released Parties for personal injury or property damage.
If you refuse or are unable to confirm you meet the aforementioned health screening requisites and accept the waiver and release of liability, we are unable to grant you access to this outdoor activity at this time.
We are humbled by the support received from our N~motion community. It has been both impressive and inspiring. As we proceed with health, wellness and connection; let's consider self, family, and community. We are all in this together.
Your Friends at N~motion
ALERTS: 05/19/20
Please take time to read the following guidelines. State and county COVID-19 guidelines will supersede the following as updates are released.
1. Please do not attend class if you or any member of your household are experiencing any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills or repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
2. Please do not attend class if you or any member of your household are currently under quarantine due to having tested positive for COVID-19 or due to having been exposed or potentially exposed to COVID-19.
3. Please do not attend class if within the past two weeks, you or any member of your household have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Had close contact with anyone confirmed to have the COVID-19 virus. Traveled internationally, domestically outside of South or North Carolina, or via a cruise.
4. Please use facilities before attending class as N~Motion Studio, LLC restrooms and water fountains are closed at this time.
5 You agree to abide by all safety and social distancing measures, including:
Avoid congregating in groups while in the classroom environment
Maintain 6 feet of distance between yourself and other persons
Wear recommended face coverings in accordance with CDC guidelines
Bring your own water, equipment, hand sanitizer and/or antibacterial wipes - do not share
Hand washing should be done prior to and after using any amenity
Clean all equipment you touch with antibacterial wipes before and after use
Guests are not allowed in the dance area
WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By entering this class, you hereby release and forever discharge n~motion Studio Tega Cay, LLC; its owners, independent contractors, members, agents, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns (the "Released Parties"), for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness or death due to COVID-19, paralysis, damages, economical or emotional loss, that you may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your use or entry onto these classes. By entering into these classes, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties of liability and waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use or entry into these premises. You agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right to bring a legal action against the Released Parties for personal injury or property damage.
If you refuse or are unable to confirm you meet the aforementioned health screening requisites and accept the waiver and release of liability, we are unable to grant you access to this outdoor activity at this time.
ALERTS: 03/16/20
Starting Monday, March 16 all scheduled classes at the N~Motion Studio will be postponed due to the Coronavirus situation and impact on our community.
Please follow the instructions to participate in any of our FREE Online classes via Zoom!
How to attend n~motion virtual classes:
1. Visit the n~motion Studio Zoom Online Class Schedule
2. Locate the online class you want to attend (note the day and time) and click on it to register. Please register at least 1 hour or more before class starts.
3. Complete the short registration form (please include a valid email address). Click on...Reserve My Spot. An email will be sent to you with a Zoom meeting link. The email is from n~motion Tega Cay, LLC.
4. On the day of the class, simply click on the Class link in the email - at least 10 minutes prior to class start time.
In the meantime, we welcome your comments and suggestions as we weather this unexpected “storm”.
Please stay safe, protect your love ones, and follow the health guidelines issued by the government.
Virtual Heart Hugs to all...
The N~Motion Staff